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Online Academy:



Carl Pullein

CEO and Founder – Carl Pullein International Ltd.

> Instructor Profile

Carl is a renowned productivity and time management specialist who has helped thousands of
people around the world get better at managing their time and become more productive using
technology they carry around with them every day. Carl has written three books on productivity
and time management and coaches companies and individuals around the world through his
Time and Life Mastery and Your Digital Life courses. Carl is the creator of the Time Sector
System, a time management method designed for the 21st century. Carl’s passion and
dedication to helping people become better at managing their time so they can focus on what
is important to them is legendary and his presentations and workshops are highly interactive,
entertaining and educational.

> Course Description:

Too much to do and not enough hours in the day? Wish you could get more done in a more
efficient way? Whether you’re a high school student or a college graduate just starting your
first job, we could all benefit from learning how to manage our time. In this two-day-only
academy, Carl will take you through the Time Sector System, a new way to organize your tasks
so that you too can get a head start on the day and accomplish more than you ever thought

> This Academy Meets on:

・Tuesday, July 13
・Thursday, July 15

> How to Prepare for this Academy:

Download and print the handouts that we will be using for this academy.

> Lesson Plan:

<Session 1:
Why You Need To Set Goals And How To Do It>

Having goals is an important step to achieving your career aspirations
and creating a sense of fulfillment and happiness. This session will take
you through the building blocks of turning your goals from an idea into
reality by following a set of tried and tested methods that work.
Your goals are the foundation to building a structure into your day that
will give you clarity and purpose into your life.

-Key Learning points-
• Understanding the concept of “What, Why and How”
• Why your reason for doing something is the power that drives you
towards success
• How to write out your goals so they motivate you towards success
• Finding the daily drivers
• Discovering your purpose and why it matters

<Session 2:
How to manage your time as a student>

In this session participants will be taught the skills of managing their time
between their studies and free time. They will learn how to prioritize their
time so the important work gets done first and freeing up time to be able
to spend on their personal time.
This session will also show you how to bring in your goals so they form
the foundation to each and every day.

-Key learning points-
• Why managing your time is a key soft skill.
• How to manage your studies and free time using the Time Sector
• Time blocking and why you need to do it
• How to bring your goals into the mix
• Daily and weekly planning sessions
• Developing the habits

> This academy is for:

> Instructor’s Links: 

This academy is open for participants of all ages.

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