Online Academy:
Creative Storytelling
Micky Neilson
California, USA
> Instructor Profile
NY Times Bestselling Author, Former Head of Blizzard Entertainment’s Publishing Department
> Course Description:
Gain valuable, real-world insight and professional guidance from Micky Neilson, an established NY Times Bestselling Author and former head of the publishing department at Blizzard Entertainment. The philosophy and execution of Creative Writing will come into focus with lessons on character, concept, theme, pacing, outlining, suspension of disbelief, dialogue, general mechanics, world building, research and overcoming writer's block.
> This Academy Meets on:
・Tuesday, July 13
・Wednesday, July 14
・Thursday, July 15
・Friday, July 16
> How to Prepare for this Academy:
Watch your favorite shows and movies, read your favorite books and comics!
> Lesson Plan:
Day 1 - Three pillars of storytelling: Character, Concept and Theme. Three-act structure. Suspense. Flashback. Pacing. Dialogue. Worldbuilding.
Day 2 - Outlining vs Exploratory Writing. Suspension of Disbelief. Exposition. Subtext. Logic.
Motivation. Stakes. Conflict. Deus Ex Machina. Overcoming writer’s block.
Day 3 - Writing for different styles and disciplines— comics, video games, screenwriting, etc. What are translatable skills between them?
Day 4 - Dealing with criticism. Where to start with your writing career, including helpful websites. Marketing yourself as a writer.
> This academy is for:​
> Instructor’s Links: ​
This academy is open for participants of all ages.